In spite of, or because I’m a Xennial who has been faffing around with this kind of thing since the 90s, I view new technology with a certain level of skepticism. I’m all for innovation and futurism, but I also don’t make it a habit to hang out on the bleeding edge unless absolutely necessary. The platform can be unstable, the documentation often sucks, and the community can be polarised to the point where the signal-to-noise ratio is unproductive. But I’m also a curious optimist and will happily sniff the Kool-Aid from time to time to get a feel for where we’re at.
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ChatGPT, my drunk friend
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In spite of, or because I’m a Xennial who has been faffing around with this kind of thing since the 90s, I view new technology with a certain level of skepticism. I’m all for innovation and futurism, but I also don’t make it a habit to hang out on the bleeding edge unless absolutely necessary. The platform can be unstable, the documentation often sucks, and the community can be polarised to the point where the signal-to-noise ratio is unproductive. But I’m also a curious optimist and will happily sniff the Kool-Aid from time to time to get a feel for where we’re at.